For NI Science Festival 2025 CCA Derry~Londonderry invites sound artist Cameron Clarke to deliver a drop in workshop activity on 22 February 2025, 10am–4pm.
Sonic Sleuths is a workshop led by sound artist Cameron Clarke designed to uncover and explore hidden electromagnetic sounds present in the devices and environment around us.
Using specialist microphones we will be able to hear the inner workings of phones, laptops, street lamps and more. These otherworldly sounds not only give us an insight into the inner workings of our favourite devices but also provide great material for a sound designer to work with.In the workshop the audience will be able to use the microphones to detect hidden sounds in a variety of electronic devices as well as their own phones. We will also showcase how these sounds can be manipulated using music production software into music and sound design pieces.
Come and see us Foyle Arena 2, Limavady Rd, Derry~Londonderry BT47 6JY. Directions here! Find out more about NI Science Festival 2025 here.
About Cameron Clarke
Cameron Clarke is a multi disciplinary sound artist. Whose work revolves around playful creative interaction with the urban environment, this takes the form of sound walks, field recording and interventionist performances in urban spaces. Cameron enjoys physically making and developing sound sculptures.
Cameron studied Creative Arts Practice, Newcastle University and is currently a PhD researcher at the Sonic Arts Research Centre in Belfast.
His studio is based in Vault, Belfast and he has worked with the Irish Sound Science and Technology Association, Digital Arts Studios Belfast, Golden Thread Gallery, Breeze Creatives and Accidental Theatre and Black Box.