Leanann an chóisir ar aghaidh go huair mharbh na hoíche lenár gclub féile domhain san oíche! Cé go gcoinneofar liosta ceoltóirí na hoíche faoi dhianrún go dtí an oíche féin, thig leat a bheith ag dréim le taispeántais lán fuinnimh ó thogha agus rogha na ngrúpaí is beoga ar an oileán seo le thú féin agus do chairde a chur ar bhur gcosa agus buille an cheoil a mhothú – tchífidh muid thú ar an urlár damhsa!
I measc na gceoltóirí a bhí ann roimhe seo bhí Huartan, Super Céilí, agus SXSW – thig leat buille faoi thuairim cé a bheas ann i mbliana.
The party continues into the early hours with our late-night Festival Club! While the evening's line up will remain a closely guarded secret until the night, you can expect high-energy performances from a selection of this island's livelist acts to get you and your friends on your feet and feeling the beat - see you on the dance floor!
Previous acts have included Huartan, Super Céilí, and SXSW - who's on this year is your guess…