We've found a new home for some of the beautiful ships attending the festival this year but are asking all attendees to be on their guard when in this area for there have been sightings of the odd pirate coming and going from the location in the last few weeks.
Rumour has it that a Ghost Ship, invisible to the human eye, has dropped anchor somewhere on the river with the pontoon being used as a portal.
Please report any sightings of a pirate to a member of staff immediately.
Meanwhile, don't let that stop you from taking a tour around these beauties...Ahoy Me Hearties!
A traditionally rigged Tall Ship built in 1892, Leader now acts as a Sail Training vessel for young people around Ireland. Sailing into the festival on the morning of Friday 28th June, the ship arrives with an excited group of young people who will have sailed for the first time from Belfast and departs on Monday 1st July with another group from Derry who will make the journey back.
La Malouine
Originally thought to have been built in Poland in the 1960's, further investigation revealed that it may actually have been built by Russians in 1955. The ship was then converted to a Brigantine in 1992 by Dutch designer Olivier Van Meer using drawings. We're delighted it's making it's debut at FMF this summer.
Built in Denmark in 1936 for North Sea fishing, this ship has been restored and traditionally rigged as a Gaff Ketch and is registered as a sailing vessel in the UK. Another first for the festival, we can't wait to welcome this beautiful boat onto Foyle Port.
All of the vessels will provide daily tours from 12noon until 8pm. Times will be staggered to accommodate breaks and ensure several boats can be visited at any one time.